Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Ośrodek Badań Regionalnych i Obszarów Pogranicza

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Seminarium naukowe: Music-making as a Tool of Cross-cultural Adaptation

Ośrodek Badań Regionalnych i Obszarów Pogranicza zaprasza serdecznie na seminarium naukowe, podczas którego mgr Emre Can Alptekin zaprezentuje swój projekt badawczy: Music-making as a Tool of Cross-cultural Adaptation. Spotkanie odbędzie się 12 marca 2021 o godz. 9:00 na platformie MS Teams. Spotkanie odbędzie się w języku angielskim.


Opis projektu:

The PhD project aims at elaborating on the role of collective music-making on both the cross-cultural adaptation process and identity formation in an intercultural setting and the boundaries between these identities. Many scholars claim that music is a universal language. However, to what extent is this argument accurate in our time? Does collective music-making in an intercultural setting attenuate cultural boundaries by linking people from different cultures? What are the functions of music-making in the formation of identity? What role(s) does collective musicking play in international individuals′ cross-cultural adaptation process? These questions will be posed and explored within the PhD research project. During his presentation, Emre Can Alptekin will discuss the theoretical background, methodology and the research′s conceptual model.



Emre Can Alptekin completed his master′s degree in the Intercultural Mediation program with his research about the relevance between music-making and cross-cultural adaptation at the Institute of Sociology, the University of Wrocław. He is currently working on his PhD at the same university since September 2020. Under the supervision of Prof. UWr dr hab. Elżbieta Opiłowska, the young scholar, aims to give a current impulse to cross-cultural adaptation studies by employing the concept of collective musicking. Since 2019, he also takes part as a researcher and musician in the UniOrchestra project, which allowing music-maker international individuals to gather together to perform in various events.

Do spotkania można dołączyć poprzez link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3a63a11ff669d44def99c1f3cbc13da5ca%40thread.tacv2/1615147535741?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222b71bef9-3b13-4432-b5f4-1f5ac2278d0c%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22258cfa6d-0acd-400d-afaa-ad9a2d9fa44f%22%7d


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